Tuesday, August 08, 2006

- Broome Friends, A Family -

Hey All, Well we've been in Broome a while now and I've slowly got this site up to date here is a few pics. We've got really good neighbours at camp at the moment. We get along really well and often catch up for drinks, dinner and a jam. Unfortunately they head off to Darwin this week, it'll be sad to see them go... Its been like a huge close family and I'll miss their company. Hopefully we'll catch them up later along the road. I'll get some more photo's up soon.
(This is the farewell for our German friend Penny(centered). It was quite spontaneous and a lot of fun!)
(We have been having regular beach gatherings with a fire. Here is my neighbours from camp having one of their many jam sessions. (L-R: Tim, Graham and Simon)
(Fire Twirling or Poi is a common scene on the traveling circuit. Here is one of the awesome displays from a recent party. I'm currently trying to learn.. Though I've never lit it up!!)

(This is Jamus, he's a Canadian free spirit who neighboured us at camp for 2 weeks. Very unique person who I'll remember forever, he played the bagpipes and I miss his company already!)

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